This is how we see Grassroots.

Hinkle understands that the federal government’s involvement in our country’s infrastructure is crucial towards building better communities and roads. We believe that our jobs, families, and communities rely heavily on transportation and the associated infrastructure. Roughly $.51 of every dollar spent on roads and bridges is paid for by the federal program, which is supported by the Highway Trust Fund.

The Highway Trust Fund was historically funded by the federal gas tax, which has not increased since 1993 and is now failing to provide enough funds for infrastructure investments. Since then, road usage has sky rocketed. For example, Americans drive three trillion vehicle miles per year, collectively that equates to approximately 16 round trips from the Earth to the Sun each year. The number of drivers has increased leading to worsening traffic congestion and accelerated road deterioration; thus, we feel that funds for transportation ought to increase as well.

Our jobs, our companies, and our communities depend upon the infrastructure built by the Highway Trust Fund.  Lend your support by urging your elected officials to come up with a long term funding solution for the Highway Trust Fund that will allow our companies and country to invest it it’s future.

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